
Friday, January 19, 2007

Zooming in

The daily life and the lingering body discharges- a parallel approach

The body discharge as the great interval, or life itself. Life IS and goes on, constantly secreating; and so, does the body: Saliva, earwax, vaginal nose & intestinal mucus, drool, oil around the saliencies of your nose- the nostrils, sweat, falling tears, and gushing intravenous blood. The outward salivation of the body and the lethargic lubrification of the days that slide forward, gliding into weeks, months and into a whole boring living. Us! Silently secreting the shit out of a sudoriparous existence. And thus, life is quiet. It smoothly flows and goes, flexing along the invisible muscle of the quotidian. life sure is boring, save for the times when you fall in love..or fall out of love; Or when you know that ahead it's time for a new turn.And as life, the subliminal reactions in the body represent the inevitable and necessary spurs gushing bursting or sudden discountinuities within life's continium within a lifetime. The glorifying periods of ejaculation- when the unusual supplants the trivial; when the spew, the ejection of saliva, the pus gushing out from a bursting zit betray the morose and unseen unloading of body shit. Orgasms, and what's abrupt are the best parts in life, jetting out from your body, disturbing and thrusting a whole new meaning into an obvious, conspicuously boring ass life.

in “cracking down Universe’s encryption”.